Sunday, August 26, 2012

Better Late Than Never

Hi!! I decided to take a couple days off from posting on my blog to take care of some personal and family matters. I'm back though! I've missed a couple days like I said so this post will catch you up on all that I've missed. I know that you were just dying because you didn't have my daily blog posts.
 Do not fear, I am here ;)

August 22nd - Color Red 

Painting my nails use to be something I found that I didn't like to do. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I actually took the time and I found it to be something I enjoyed.

However, there will be moments that I find a little annoying. Usually it's when my nails are drying and it feels like it will take an eternity or what really gets my goat is when I spend all this time on my nails and in the end I mess up and have to redo, ugh!

On this day, I painted my nails red  :)
August 23rd - Childhood

The photo to the right is a newspaper clipping, it's myself and my sister, Monika. We were at the hydroplane races in Tri-Cities, WA. We needed to use the restroom so we left the races to find a restroom (which took forever it seemed). On the way to the bathroom we both saw a guy taking pictures and back then we didn't think anything of it (today it would of creeped me out a little) until my mom was looking through the Tri-City Herald a couple days later and saw the picture to the right.
 If you couldn't tell I am the one on the left that looks like a tomboy, it was a phase ;) I spent a couple years of my childhood in Tri-Cities. I enjoyed living down there but I don't think I would ever go back and live.

August 24th - Guilty Pleasure

It was hard to think about what to put for this that wouldn't completely embarrass me. I thought about it for a little bit and Boyfriend from Justin Beiber came on and I knew every single word of the song!

I'm not going to lie, I enjoy some of Justin Beibers music because there are a few songs that are catchy and have a good beat. I don't plan on going to a Justin Beiber concert any time soon or if I saw him I wouldn't go all fan girl but I have to admit I like some of his music.

August 25th - Water

 I took the photo to the right when I went cliff jumping at Upper Goose Lake with some friends. When I got the invite to go I was hoping I would be able to make it because I was in desperate need for some fun and cliff jumping sounded like a good solution.

Upper Goose Lake is found about thirty miles south of Moses. It was the first time I had been there in years and it was just as gorgeous and serene as I remember.

I was beyond nervous to actually jump off the cliffs but with encouragement and a much needed countdown I jumped!! The way you feel right before you go over is quite exhilarating and then once you jump it feels like time stops momentarily until you hit the water mere seconds later.

August 26th - Upside Down

Today's photo needed to be upside down :) I didn't want to invert an object or a photo, I fancied to find something actually upside down. If you were to sit at my desk and look the left of my computer, above the light switch you will see the object that is in the photo to the left.

While browsing the interwebs I glanced over and saw this little plastic bird hanging UPSIDE DOWN! No joke, I said score really loud! Loud enough for my mom to hear and ask what the heck I was yelling for.

Finding today's photo was like a hidden object game, I enjoy those :)

 "Better Late Than Never" is what I decided to title this blog entry. I've going through some personal things and haven't had time or really a desire to post. I wanted to make sure that I was caught up on what I've missed. Here is today's quote,

And think not you can
Direct the course of love,
For love,
If it finds you worthy,
Directs your course.

-Khalil Gibran

This is one of my favorite quotes :)  A line for today and every day that I've missed.

Until Next Time :)


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