Friday, August 31, 2012

Something Old & Young At The Same Time.

 Look at the adorableness of the picture to the left. It is the last day of the photo of the day challenge and I need a picture of something old. 

I am going to take liberities again with the challenge. It's five in the morning and I was looking through some pictures on the home computer and came across this photo. 

It's something old, an old photo of myself. Look at me and that precious swoop on the top of my head. 

Like I said it is five in the morning and I just wanted to make sure I had finished the challenge successfully, I am going back to sleep. It's going to be a long day and I need to try and get some sleep. 

“Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”  - Oscar Wilde

Until Next Time :) 


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Get In My Belly!

August 30th - Love

What do I love? I love many a things but tonight I was inspired to write a post about the deliciousness that is frozen yogurt. I love going to Blue Palm Frozen Yogurt, our local froyo establishment. I was invited to go to Blue Palm tonight with some friends which I gladly accepted :) I forgot to take a photo of what I had but luckily had one in my Random photos on Facebook. I actually don't eat the frozen yogurt because I am slightly lactose intolerant but instead eat the sorbet. Tonight's sorbet was Pomegranate Raspberry, it tasted amazing! A lot of people would say one of the best things about going to get frozen yogurt would be the toppings and I would definitely have to agree with them. There are so many choices to top your frozen yogurt/sorbet but the last few times I've gone I usually only get sprinkles because you can't go with wrong with sprinkles. In the photo to the right I was a little more adventurous by getting cheesecake bites, nerds, & gummy bears. One of the things I love about getting the sorbet vs. the frozen yogurt would be the price. The weight of sorbet is about half that of frozen yogurt so whenever I get some its usually really cheap which is always a plus! 

There is always a variety of flavors and toppings which makes going to Blue Palm always a treat :)

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” - Charles M. Schulz

Until Next Time :)


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How do I live without you, I want to know!

The one thing I couldn't live without would have to be music. Music is a daily part of my life and I honestly don't know what I would do without it. I imagine my life would be extremely boring and quite dull. My taste in music is quite eclectic but I would definitely say that it veers towards one genre which would be alternative rock/pop rock. Bands like Matchbox Twenty, Fun., or We The Kings. 

Speaking of We The Kings, approximately a month ago I saw them at Warped Tour! I've talked briefly about warped tour on here but I'll go into a little more detail, it was one of the coolest experiences of my life. 

We left ridiculously early (5:00am) on August 4th for Auburn (where Warped Tour was held) and made really good time getting over there. We stopped at Walmart so I could buy a camera and we could get some sunscreen. After we were done we headed to the White River Amphitheater to get in line! Luckily enough I got presale tickets which meant I was able to get a "Jump the line" pass. It just meant we were in a different line then general admission. When we got to the amphitheater around 8:30, there was already A LOT of people there. However, the line we were in was relatively short. There was maybe a 100/150 people in front of us and when you think about it, that's a pretty good spot to be. 

The gates opened around 10:30 and it was like all hell broke loose. Everybody just kinda bum rushed the gates. We hurried to the Vans tent to them a secret phrase (Emerald City) and if we were among the first 200 people to get there then we would get some Vans gear (vans apron/bandanna). Well, my mom and I were among the first 200!

We the Kings was to play at 11:40 and luckily they were playing right next to the Vans tent. So, after we got the gear we rushed over to the stage and luck be have it we were the FIRST at the stage for we the kings. I've been saying that we were lucky a lot and by the end of the day it sure seemed luck was on our side :)   My mom and I were center stage at the We the Kings concert and we rocked out! It was so awesome! After they played their set we went and bought some shirts and because we bought merch we were eligible to MEET THE BAND!!! The time for the meet up was 1:45 and we were able to get in line at 1:30 so we moseyed our way over when it was time and some lady asked if we were there to meet the band and we said, "Yes!" and she replied, "Alright, you'll be first in line." I was completely shocked! This day was just going so much better then I thought it was going to be. We met the band and it was so flippin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---- can you feel my excitement :)  
Charles Trippy (the one holding the camera) has a YouTube channel called CTFxC which I watch almost every day. I made a shirt for him & one for me (for him to sign) that said CTFxC but the font was in wingding. When I showed him the shirt and told him what it meant he pulled out his camera and started vlogging! My mom took a picture of him doing and I am so glad that she did because now I have something to remember the moment. Oh wait ;), I was in the vlog. Check it out here! I'm about halfway through the vlog. 

Went off on a little tangent but the bottom line is that I couldn't live without music.

“Without music, life would be a mistake.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

This was the first quote I found and immediately liked it so I decided to use it! 

Until next time :)


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Haha. LOL. Hehe. ROFL.

It is nearly a new day and I almost forgot to blog today's photo! I wouldn't want to miss anymore days. I have a little over half an hour left, I'll make it :) I received my inspiration for today's photo from Pinterest. I was browsing like I do everyday and looked at my Cute.Win.Fail. Picture board and came across the gem to the left.

I orginally found the photo on this website. A friend showed me the site earlier this year and like the site says you can waste so much time. Pooh and Piglet with the theme of Jackass just cracked me up the first time I saw it.

It doesn't take a lot for me to laugh or smile :) I know I can come off stern sometimes but I do like to have fun!    
This will be another short & simple blog entry :) 

 I made it, it's 11:35pm! Now for the quote of the day!!

"There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor." -Charles Dickens             

Until Next Time :)        

Get To Know You Bingo

This post was on my other blog and I wanted to recreate it on this one because I'll be getting rid of my other one soon. I have played this game before and I really enjoyed it. It's not about winning but about getting to know others :)

Sometimes when getting to know others you need to have a fun icebreaker game to ease the tension. Today  I made a fun icebreaker game that I cannot wait to try out.

I present:

Get To Know You Bingo

This would be a fun game to play with a larger group of people.
The way you play the game is as follows:

Once the bingo sheets have been handed out, have everyone fill in all their spaces. The sheet up above might be a little confusing to read at first. For example in the fifth row, third column it says SAME EYE COLOR AS YOU - EYE COLOR: ______. What you want to do is list YOUR eye color. I would put hazel ;). When everyone has filled out their bingo sheets, they get passed around the group. It would help if the group was in a circle or rows so it can get passed to everyone :)

*Lets say there is ten people in the group you should have at least 10 spaces marked out on your bingo sheet by the end of the game (There will be 9 spaces marked out from the others in the group and the free one in the middle). Make sure each person in the group gets your sheet* 

The way you win this game is to have each person mark something on your bingo sheet that applies to them and when you get five things in a diagonal, up/down, or across, you win. This is where it gets fun, if you have several things in common with the person then you can mark a space that will be harder for that person to get a bingo. Part of this game too is putting your name on the space you mark so whosever bingo sheet it is can know what they have in common with you.

It is a great way for people to interact with one another and learn things that they might not of known.


Until Next Time :)


Monday, August 27, 2012

Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows

Remember that one time I said I might take liberties with the photo of the day challenge. For example, the day that called for the sun I choose a photo of a sunflower. Today, I am choosing Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows for today's photo "Shadows." It has shadows in the title, that is how I will defend it :) 

You might be asking yourself, "Why in the world is that picture so massive?" (and if your not, my apologies for putting that thought into your head) Well, my beloved reader, I say to you, why not? Who doesn't like them some Robert Downey Jr :) 

I have loved Sherlock Holmes (books, movies, TV shows) as soon as I knew who he was. My last name being Watson, I was always drawn to the character that is Sherlock Holmes. 

I saw this movie back in December in one of the coolest ways possible: just you and another alone in a theater. We were literally the only ones in the theater and it was one of the coolest experiences ever. 

Today has been an incredibly busy day but I wanted to make sure I had today's entry done by the end of the day. It is 9:35 p.m so I'm good :) 

Who else should give the quote for today but Mr. Sherlock Holmes himself, the quote is from "The Hound of the Baskervilles." 

"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."

Until Next Time :) 


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Better Late Than Never

Hi!! I decided to take a couple days off from posting on my blog to take care of some personal and family matters. I'm back though! I've missed a couple days like I said so this post will catch you up on all that I've missed. I know that you were just dying because you didn't have my daily blog posts.
 Do not fear, I am here ;)

August 22nd - Color Red 

Painting my nails use to be something I found that I didn't like to do. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I actually took the time and I found it to be something I enjoyed.

However, there will be moments that I find a little annoying. Usually it's when my nails are drying and it feels like it will take an eternity or what really gets my goat is when I spend all this time on my nails and in the end I mess up and have to redo, ugh!

On this day, I painted my nails red  :)
August 23rd - Childhood

The photo to the right is a newspaper clipping, it's myself and my sister, Monika. We were at the hydroplane races in Tri-Cities, WA. We needed to use the restroom so we left the races to find a restroom (which took forever it seemed). On the way to the bathroom we both saw a guy taking pictures and back then we didn't think anything of it (today it would of creeped me out a little) until my mom was looking through the Tri-City Herald a couple days later and saw the picture to the right.
 If you couldn't tell I am the one on the left that looks like a tomboy, it was a phase ;) I spent a couple years of my childhood in Tri-Cities. I enjoyed living down there but I don't think I would ever go back and live.

August 24th - Guilty Pleasure

It was hard to think about what to put for this that wouldn't completely embarrass me. I thought about it for a little bit and Boyfriend from Justin Beiber came on and I knew every single word of the song!

I'm not going to lie, I enjoy some of Justin Beibers music because there are a few songs that are catchy and have a good beat. I don't plan on going to a Justin Beiber concert any time soon or if I saw him I wouldn't go all fan girl but I have to admit I like some of his music.

August 25th - Water

 I took the photo to the right when I went cliff jumping at Upper Goose Lake with some friends. When I got the invite to go I was hoping I would be able to make it because I was in desperate need for some fun and cliff jumping sounded like a good solution.

Upper Goose Lake is found about thirty miles south of Moses. It was the first time I had been there in years and it was just as gorgeous and serene as I remember.

I was beyond nervous to actually jump off the cliffs but with encouragement and a much needed countdown I jumped!! The way you feel right before you go over is quite exhilarating and then once you jump it feels like time stops momentarily until you hit the water mere seconds later.

August 26th - Upside Down

Today's photo needed to be upside down :) I didn't want to invert an object or a photo, I fancied to find something actually upside down. If you were to sit at my desk and look the left of my computer, above the light switch you will see the object that is in the photo to the left.

While browsing the interwebs I glanced over and saw this little plastic bird hanging UPSIDE DOWN! No joke, I said score really loud! Loud enough for my mom to hear and ask what the heck I was yelling for.

Finding today's photo was like a hidden object game, I enjoy those :)

 "Better Late Than Never" is what I decided to title this blog entry. I've going through some personal things and haven't had time or really a desire to post. I wanted to make sure that I was caught up on what I've missed. Here is today's quote,

And think not you can
Direct the course of love,
For love,
If it finds you worthy,
Directs your course.

-Khalil Gibran

This is one of my favorite quotes :)  A line for today and every day that I've missed.

Until Next Time :)


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21st - Family Photo - Check :)


It is currently 10:45 in the evening which leaves me just over an hour to do this blog entry. 

It is August 21st which means I need a photo of my family. On such short notice I didn't want to scan a photo from a family album because time is of the essence, I suppose I could of taken a picture of a picture but luckily I found the photo to the left on Facebook.

I grew up the youngest of three children. There is my brother Mark (33), Monika (24), and Kelsy {that's me!!} (23).

My childhood was pretty awesome. My parents divorced when I was really young but I don't think it phased me too much. My mom took care of us kids on her own and I appreciate her everyday for it. Like any other family we don't always get a long but at the end of the day we love each other and are always there for one another. 

The photo for today is of Monika, my Mom, and myself :) The picture was taken at a family friends (Deeann & Pat) wedding back when we lived in Spokane. My mom was a bridesmaid while Monika and I walked behind Deeann and made sure her long wedding veil was always looking perfect. I remember thinking it was so cool to be a part of the wedding. 

I did it, it is 11:09! It is an extremely short blog entry but it is something and that's all that matters! 

“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”  - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring 

I saw this quote and just had to use it. C'mon, its Bilbo Baggins speaking (side note - can't wait for The Hobbit this December)

Until Next Time :)


Monday, August 20, 2012

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet

A couple of months ago I went to Spokane and before I left town I went to Manito Park. It is a picturesque garden on the South Hill and if you have never been before you need to go. They have several gardens, a greenhouse, and a duck pond (a favorite of mine when I was growing up in Spokane). While walking around one of the gardens, I came across the flower to the left. 
Being the 20th of August, I needed a photo that is Macro (close up). The picture up above I took a couple of months ago at Manito Park and the picture to the right is the photo I took today. I took the flower from the garden because it had broke off somehow someway and I couldn't just leave it there on the ground :)  When I got home I decided to press it so one day I could put it in a frame. My mom put it between the pages of one of her medical books from nursing school. I wish I could recall the name of the flower but it escapes me.

If you don't know me, you wouldn't know I love flowers. I love the beauty that emerges every time a flower blooms, the excitement I get is difficult to put into words. I look forward to every spring/summer when my mom and I have a chance to plant our flower garden. Deciding the photo for today took some time but when I came across the pressed flower this morning I knew right away I wanted to use it for the photo of the day :) 

"Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift." - Albert Einstein 

Until Next Time :) 


Sunday, August 19, 2012

B is for Ben

B - bizarre  

E - eerie

N - nosy

J - juvenile

A - abnormal

M - magical (throw a nice one in for good measure)

I - irritating

N - nonsensical

(Only Ben will understand why I choose those words, I'm not a horrible person I swear!) 

It is August 19th which means I need to have a photo that starts with the letter B or in some way has to do with the letter B. I asked Ben what I should do my blog post on and he replied himself. Ever so modest huh? 

 Ben and I haven't been friends for long but it sure seems like I've known him forever. At one point, we actually went to the same university. Before he left on his mission to France, we attended WSU at the same time. However, we never met which I still find weird. I know we must have crossed paths at one point or another and we just don't remember. I vaguely remember Ben but he doesn't remember me at all, how rude right! We started hanging out a couple of months ago and the rest is history. 

One of my favorite things about Ben is his comedic timing. If you don't know him then you wouldn't know he is a rising star in the music business. He has several hits under his belt including this one. I have had the privilege of watching him record raps and it is quite a site to see, we have a musical genius on our hands. Ben has graciously allowed me to be his manager and I accept the role humbly and you will all see very soon the awesomeness that is B-Low.  

I will end so I won't say anything too mushy or sentimental because no one wants to hear it. I asked the one and only Benjamin for a quote and he told me this: 

"Secrets make a relationship more exciting." - Benjamin Philip Draleau 

Like I said, a genius. How on earth is he able to put words together and make it sound so rad. 

Until next time :) 


Lose yourself in nature and find peace.

SO! Let me tell you what I was up to yesterday and then you will understand why I was not able to post. Friday, I had an allergic reaction to some medicine I took, it was the worst. It was quite a site to be seen, I was pale, shaking, about ready to pass out. This all happened while I was at work so it just made everything just peachy (Not!). Before I was able to have a full blown reaction I made it home, I won't go into details but I eventually took some medicine for my nausea and to sleep. Within an hour of taking the medicine I was out. I suppose I could of worked on my blog yesterday morning because I woke up around seven but instead of working on the post I laid in bed watching Grey's Anatomy. By morning time I was feeling much better which was good because I had to work. I ended up working 10-7 yesterday, it was a LONG day. By the end of it, we were delirious. After I got off work I went to the store with my mom and then came home and got ready for The Hunger Games extravaganza. A few of us got together and watched The Hunger Games on a projector outside. It was pretty awesome, I wish I could watch movies like that all the time! I got home after midnight and I had no energy to work on yesterdays post  :( I know you all were deeply saddened. I can hear all the weeping going on ;) 

Two weeks and a day ago I was at Vans Warped Tour :) It was one of the coolest experiences that I have been through! Warped tour this year was in Auburn, WA and in clear view from the White River Amphitheater we could see Mount Rainier. It was beautiful, this picture doesn't do it any justice. I love the landscape over on the west side, it is gorgeous. 

Todays post for yesterday is short and sweet. Hope you enjoyed it :) 

"The landscape belongs to the person who looks at it." - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Until Next Time :)


Friday, August 17, 2012

A Smile Is A Curve That Sets Everything Straight :)

Guten Morgen :) I have spoke about Pinterest before being an amazing site but there is another that rivals the awesomeness that is Pinterest. The site is CraftGawker! Not only can you find links to different craft and DIY projects but there are also sites for foodthe homeand weddings. Browsing craftgawker this morning I was checking my favorites list and saw the photo to the left. Not only does craftgawker have ideas for craft/DIY projects, there are hair & makeup tutorials, and images with sayings on them (like the one to the left). I thought the photo to the left was appropriate for todays photo of the day however it is not the photo of the day but the coincidence of me finding it on today was cray cray (there is that teenage lingo again). For August 17th, I needed to have a photo that Makes Me Smile :) When trying to decide what photo to use I found it a little difficult to narrow it down. There are so many things that bring me happiness and make me want to smile. What makes me smile the most is my friends :) That is probably the cheesy and predictable answer but I can't help that its true! I have some of the greatest friends!
Friends who throw you a surprise birthday party, call you and talk for hours on end, or have inside jokes with you. There are a lot of people not in the picture to the right that I love dearly and mean a lot to me. This summer I think was all about making new friends and rekindling old ones. I appreciate every single person that has been in my life. Whether it was through church, school, or work. Each one of you have brought something to my life that wasn't there before and I am extremely grateful. You will never know how much each one of your friendships mean to me and when I leave for school it will be sad to go but I know the bonds that we have won't break (there I go being cheesy again). It doesn't take a lot to get me to smile and my friends make me smile all the time :)

"Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he [she] sees all day."  - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

I completely agree with the quote above, sometimes all anyone needs to brighten up their day is a smile.

Until Next Time:)


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Next Chapter - Back To School

After taking some time off from school, this coming fall I will be returning. I'll be attending Eastern Washington University studying secondary education. The next couple of years will be a new adventure that I am quite excited to experience. The countdown stands at thirty-six days until I am able to move in and forty days until the first day of class. Just over a month until I leave is so daunting to me for some reason. Although I am extremely excited to go to school I am slightly anxious about the whole endeavor.  It all comes down to being in a new place and situation. The whole idea of starting over is what scares me. I have an amazing group of friends here at home and really like the routine of life and in a little less than a month that will all change. I wish someone that I was close with was attending Eastern, that would help the transition so much easier. Despite the fact I will be navigating this next part of my journey by myself, I know that if I make the effort it will be alright. I might not have my friends by my side but I know if I ever needed them or wanted to talk all I need to do is pick up the phone. 

"A new experience can be extremely pleasurable, or extremely irritating, or somewhere in between, and you never know until you try it out." - Lemony Snicket 

When I read this quote it inspired a lot in me. I will never know how something is or will be if I don't go out and try it. There are many a things I haven't experienced because I am afraid to. From this day on (we shall see how long it lasts) I will try my darnedest to try new things and not be so afraid of embarrassing myself. 

I choose the logo of EWU as my back to school photo because I really liked the tag line, Start Something Big. This next chapter in my life is a big change I am ready for it. Bring it on! 

Until Next Time :)


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Something To Make You Smile :)

Below Is A Baby Gorilla Reacting To A Cold Stethoscope

Doesn't that picture just make you smile! I saw it while browsing the interwebs and had to post it because it just brought me instant happiness.

Totes Adorb! 
(now that I am old, I am just trying to recapture my youth by using teenage slang)

“Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”  - Mother Teresa 

Short Post I Know! 

Until Next Time :) 


23 And A Week And A Day

23 And A Week And A Day

Hi. Hola. Salut. Hallo. Szia. Oi. Selam.

How goes it my avid readers? As this is my second post I know I have a loyal cult following already. Who doesn't want to read my blog?? It will probably be one of the best pieces of writing you will read in your lifetime.

Well, now that I've built my self confidence and ego up lets bring it back down to reality. You will see now and in the future I am not the best at articulating my thoughts and that sometimes they will come out jumbled and confusing but fear you shall not because in the end you will get a quote that I haven't written so you will get something out of my posts, well hopefully anyways :)

We are already halfway through the month of August but I found this yesterday on one of the most amazing sites that has been created, Pinterest. And I wanted to "attempt" it, I love taking pictures so I don't think it will be too difficult. But we shall see :) 
It is the 15th of August and the photo I needed to take today is that of the sun. I think with this photo a day challenge I shall take the creative freedom and not always go for what is literally being asked of me. I will take my own interpretation of some of the photos. For example, today the photo is.. . . 

A Sunflower :) 

Helianthus annuss a.k.a. the common sunflower is my favorite flower in the entire world.  There are thought to be over 352,000 species of flowering plants or angiosperm on this planet but before I can remember the sunflower has been my favorite. Wikipedia (my journalistic integrity at its finest) tells us a sunflower is named after its huge, fiery blooms, whose shape and image is often used to depict the sun. Thats helps explain the primary reason why I choose a sunflower for todays photo of the day. I mean c'mon, it has sun it its name! 
This picture was taken when I started working on todays blog. (Yes, that is a bee on the flower - I was so  brave taking the picture, you should be proud) The picture reminds of one week and a day ago.
 Last tuesday (8/7/12) was my birthday and every morning I try and get my butt out of bed and go on a walk. I woke up tuesday morning relatively early because I was excited it was my birthday of course. Unlike a lot of people, I LOVE my birthday. I not only see it as a day where I am officially a year older but it has always been a day of reflection of my past and where I have been and where I plan on going. Anywho, I got up early on my birthday and went on my walk around the neighborhood. Walking up to my house I noticed that there was a couple sunflowers that had bloomed! I was so happy and excited about it I took these photos: 

I found it extremely awesome that a couple sunflowers decided to bloom on my birthday :) 

Researching (because I can't always use the reliable wikipedia for everything) this morning for a quote I came across one I thought was appropriate for todays post. 

"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love."
 Max Müller 

I love this quote :) Maybe I'll journal it or frame it! 

 Until Next time!  


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Welcome :)


Welcome to the awesomeness that is my blog. If you are reading this then you probably know who I am :) So, I was inspired last night while writing in my journal to pick up blogging again. I have another blog but after awhile I stopped posting on it but I'm hoping with this one I am able to keep up with it. This will be a place to update my friends and family on my life. This will also become a place I can unload all my thoughts and reflections about whatever. I suppose we shall see what it turns out to be :) So, I hope you enjoy my blog and whatever is to come.

After every post I plan on ending with a quote. The topic of the quote will vary on my mood or I suppose what I post that day. Let's end with our very first quote! 

"Work will work when wishy washy wishing won't" -Thomas S. Monson 

You will notice that quote is the title of my blog and I hope to not become wishy washy with it and neglect it in any way. I am going to dedicate time every day or two to post something of some sort. I think I can manage that! 

 Until next time! 
