Wednesday, September 19, 2012

50's Housewife?!? Maybe?

Coming up with a costume every year for Halloween is quite a task to undertake. A friend told me, "You have to reach into your imagination and pull out something SO unique that no one will forget."

My original idea was going to be a 50's housewife, hence the apron pictures. I had told my mom of this idea and she out of the goodness of her heart (she really only wanted to play with her new sewing machine) made me an apron. Yellow is one of my favorite colors and when I went to Walmart last week and saw the yellow checkered pattern was only a $1 a yard, I had to buy some.

My mom made the apron and she did a magnificent job, I  am in love with it. Not only could I of used it for my costume I would be able to use it later on when I am baking or what not. My apron being done pretty much cemented the idea for my 50's housewife costume.

However, this new perspective on Halloween costumes (the one I got from a friend) has me rethinking what I am going to be this year. I need something original - but what!? That is the real question. If I can't find something to be, I suppose I have a backup :)

I have a little over a month to decide. You might be asking me yourself why is it so important for me to have a costume. After all, its just Halloween. Well, I'll tell you! It's because I love Halloween. Halloween is one of my most favorite days of the year. I like all the fun that the 31st of October brings.

When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween.
~Author Unknown

We shall see what I'll be for Halloween, I'll update you on that later :)

Until Next Time :)


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